Beauty Daily Staffers Share Their New Year Resolutions
Beauty Daily Staffers Share Their New Year Resolutions

Beauty Daily Staffers Share Their New Year Resolutions

9 minutes read

A new year is like a blank book with a fresh start and a clean slate. No wonder we’re inevitably finding ourselves scribbling New Year’s resolutions and finding ways to become a better version of ourselves: getting fit, eating better, ditching bad habits or perhaps establishing new routines to help you grow.   

Many Brits are taking the opportunity to make some New Year’s resolutions this year. YouGov survey reveals one in five will make a New Year’s resolution for 2023, compared to just one in seven from the previous year.    

The most common New Year’s resolutions involve improving physical and mental health. Of course, resolutions are much easier to make than to keep. It can be disappointing when you find yourself failing at achieving your goals. Studies have shown that approximately 80% of New Year’s resolutions fail, and almost one out of four quit within the first week.  

If you’ve failed miserably in all your previous attempts to fulfil your New Year’s resolutions, the good news is we can all learn from those mistakes and focus on quality rather than quantity, and produce a more pleasant and positive attitude.  

We listed expert ways to make your New Year’s resolutions work. In addition, we asked Beauty Daily staffers to share their New Year’s resolutions for you to get some ideas and inspiration.  

New Year's Resolution  

What is the #1 New Year’s resolution?

If you’re wondering what the most common New Year’s resolution is, a survey reveals it is about getting in shape. More than half of those who have resolved for the new year intend to exercise more or improve their fitness. 

After a month-long festive binge drinking and eating, it’s no surprise most of us are looking for ways to do a mind and body reset, whether going on a juice cleanse, going meatless or banning booze for a month.    

Besides health and fitness goals, Brits also say they want to save money, decorate, spruce, or renovate part of their home.  

3 expert-approved tips on how to stick with your New Year’s resolutions

 1. Focus on quality rather than quantity

If you want to stick to your New Year’s resolutions, start limiting them. Ditch the lengthy list and narrow it down. The American Psychological Association (APA) also suggests focusing on just one behaviour change at a time, as this leads to long-term success. For example, abstaining from alcohol and going vegan won’t work, as this can be too much all at once. It can be particularly difficult because establishing new behavioural patterns takes time and sustained effort. So keep that in mind.  

2. Create a detailed plan 

To make your New Year’s resolutions happen, make sure to put time into planning to keep track. Creating a detailed plan will help you stick with your goal. It could be using a vision board or just writing them down on your digital or physical diaries.  

For example, in 2023, you’d want to travel more. So print photos of your chosen destinations, block the dates of the months you’re planning to take the leaves, put some pennies on your travel pot, and schedule a time in your diary to book flights and hotels.  

3. Start with small steps  

With a plan in place, make sure to stick to it. For instance, this year, you plan to save an X amount by the end of 2023. Create a sustainable approach by checking in with your finances and committing to putting that X amount no matter what.  

Never dare skip a month, regardless if you see a shiny new bag in your favourite luxury boutique, a new iPhone model, or something that’s not in your budget. This will instil discipline and reward you for the amount you’ll see in your savings pot when year end comes.  

Beauty Daily staffers share their New Year’s resolutions

Sarah Joan Ross, Beauty Daily Editor

Sarah Joan Ross

“I have yet to make any NY resolutions – nor have I committed to ‘Veganuary‘ or ‘Dry January‘ (however, I am indeed ‘Sober Curious‘ – find out more here.)  

I’m opting for a more flexitarian approach to life.  

For me, it’s more about getting into ‘Tryanuary’ – attempting new things for fun, learning or just because. I’m thinking of investing in Dr Nicole LePera’s How To Meet Yourself – a new self-help book with the tagline: Most people are stuck living on autopilot. Are you ready to break free? Hell, yes. I’m all for that.  

I’m looking forward to trying a new high-tech cream from Clarins’ reformulated Hydra Essentiel (Ha2), launching at the end of January; it promises plumper skin in 60 seconds. 

So, other than living in the moment, worrying less and carving a life I don’t want or need to escape from regularly – I think it’s an excellent start to 2023 and, finally, resolutions I can actually keep.” – Sarah Joan Ross, Beauty Daily Editor  


 Charlotte McHale, Clarins Training Manager

Charlotte McHale

“My New Year’s resolution is to be more grateful for what I already have! Sometimes I miss enjoying what I’ve got because I’m too busy striving for what I haven’t! Also, I’m getting married this year and there’s a lot to organise!

I need to enjoy the process and not get too caught up in the logistics of organising it all. So 2023, for me, should be all about being appreciative!”– Charlotte McHale, Clarins Training Manager    

Rochae Peddie, Beauty Daily Project Manager  

Rochae Peddie

“For me, 2023 is about continuing to build the best version of myself, to remember to be just as kind to my mind, spirit, and body as I am to others. It won’t be perfect, so I aim to allow myself patience. Cherish every moment with those who love me, and continue to create memories that I can look back on and smile at. I have found myself in a universal loop with abundant blessings, and I hope I never forget that when times seem difficult. Grace and Gratitude is my attitude for 2023.” – Rochae Peddie, Beauty Daily Project Manager  


Anne Lora Scagliusi, Beauty Daily Beauty and Wellness Writer

Anne Lora Scagliusi  

“My New Year’s resolution as a mum-to-be is to learn to be more at the moment. I have the habit of ticking things off my to-do list without taking the time to enjoy the process and pause. This year, with the arrival of my baby, I plan to take things slow, cherish every moment and give myself some grace. Beauty-wise, I lack in the body care department. Being pregnant made me realise that investing in body care products like the Tonic Treatment Oil, £43 makes a massive difference.

Lastly, I plan to continue learning and improving my Italian and, this time, try to have fun while learning. I promised myself that when my baby is born, we will learn the language together – daily, word by word. It’s handy to have my husband as my teacher. Ciao e Grazie 2022! Benvenuto 2023!” – Anne Lora Scagliusi, Beauty Daily Beauty and Wellness Writer  

Sophie Bronstein, Beauty Daily Beauty Writer  

Sophie Bronstein

“Every year, I set an extremely unrealistic resolution – which I inevitably never manage to stick to. So this year? I’ve decided to keep it simple. I might sound like I’m crazily late to the Marie Kondo party, but my first resolution is to keep my house and life free of clutter. This includes regularly rehoming any toys that my children don’t play with, finally getting rid of any clothes that I’ve not worn for more than two years (Sophie, embrace it, you are never getting back into them!), and keeping my diary free at designated times each week so that I can enjoy some proper uninterrupted quality time with family.

Oh – and beauty-wise, I’m making it my mission to get my hair back in good condition after years of battering it with heat and bleach. Wish me luck!” –  Sophie Bronstein, Beauty Daily Beauty Writer  

Nishita Fiji, Beauty Daily Beauty Writer   Nishita Fiji 

“For me, having a long list of new year’s resolutions isn’t the best approach – the longer the list, the quicker I will forget about them all. So instead, I like to focus on a single big goal that will hopefully have a domino effect on many other areas of my well-being. This year, it’s sleep.   

Over the last year, I’ve developed terrible bedtime habits that I need to address, one at a time. I cut down on my caffeine intake this month and have a no-caffeine-post-11-a.m. policy in place. I satiate my mid-day tea cravings with some caffeine-free tea instead.

Currently, the Gingerbread Chai Rooibos Tea by Bird & Blend Tea Co, £20.55 (150g) is my go-to (it’s delicious). Other small shifts I plan to make include: less screen time and sugar in the evenings and investing in a better, more supportive mattress this year – I know my back will thank me for this too.” –  Nishita Fiji, Beauty Daily Beauty Writer    


Jane Fulcher, Beauty Daily Contributor 

Jane Fulcher

“I’m starting 2023 by challenging myself to participate – and complete without cheating! – Veganuary. And to make more vegan-conscious choices in all aspects of my life, including my beauty products. I’ve been browsing Clarins’ vegan-friendly range and planning which ones to incorporate into my routine – post-party season and in this wintry weather, the Re-Charge Relaxing Sleep Mask, £25 is top of my list.  

I also want to fill my year with new experiences – from travelling the world to trying different restaurants, seeing what I can at the theatre and saying ‘yes!’ to everything I can, no matter how far outside my comfort zone it might feel.

Finally, I want to get back into having fun with my make-up. After years spent make-up-free in lockdown and then working from home, it’s time for more bold red lips and winged black eyeliner – the perfect look for facing a brand-new year.” – Jane Fulcher, Beauty Daily Contributor 

Lucy Mcclure, Clarins Treatment Training Development Manager 

    Lucy Mcclure

“My New Year’s resolution is to dedicate a day each week for some much-needed me-time. Whether that be an at-home facial, a walk, listening to music, cooking or a cinema date with myself to help me unwind, recharge, and clear my mind.

My beauty must-have this year will be treating my skin with facial masks. It’s the perfect way to bathe my skin weekly in active ingredients to deliver instant radiance and hydration.” – Lucy Mcclure, Clarins Treatment Training Development Manager 


Jason Roberts, Clarins Retail Trainer

Jason Roberts

“In 2023, I want to dedicate more of my time to charitable causes. Last year, I attended a Look Good Feel Better confidence-boosting workshop. Look Good Feel Better UK is a leading cancer support charity. Clarins is an active partner of this charity and donates products that are used during sessions. I witnessed the amazing work they do firsthand and decided I will be volunteering and offering my support to the charity throughout the year. In addition, I will also be giving myself more opportunities to detox my skin, diet and digitally by picking up a book instead of my phone before bed.” – Jason Roberts, Clarins Retail Trainer

Read next: Blue Monday: Experts Share 20 Tips To Overcome Post-Christmas Blues Away 

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