
It's not uncommon for the menopause to occur somewhere between the ages of 45 and 55 but sometimes the symptoms can be felt sometime before. When it does happen, the symptoms can be disruptive to your everyday life due to the discomfort.

14 Articles

Skin Tightening Tricks To Lift Your Face & Body Now
Skincare Advice

Skin Tightening Tricks To Lift Your Face & Body Now

Are you searching for a bit of lift and sculpt? And looking for the best skin-tightening treatments to solve the sagginess?  We have the lowdown here. Firstly, what’s to blame? Well, you’ve got gravity as you age, the sun, genetics, lifestyle choices, exercise routines – there is a whole host of reasons for the sagginess. […]

While there isn’t a way to stop the menopause from occuring, finding out how the menopause affects you and what you can do to help it is your first step to living with this change in your life.

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