6 Ways On How To Get Into The Christmas Mood
6 Ways On How To Get Into The Christmas Mood

6 Ways On How To Get Into The Christmas Mood

5 minutes read

Picture this: You’re invited to an after-work Christmas party. It sounds fun… but your winter energies in a slump, and you’d rather spend the night on your cozy couch watching a Netflix Christmas movie. At the same time, you don’t want to miss all the festive fun! So, what do you do?  

Struggling to get party-ready? Below we have listed six ways on how to get into the Christmas mood. From creating your own holiday playlist and getting your Christmas celebration make-up done, to picking your party scent.  


1. Create your own Christmas playlist

Music has the power to awaken the senses and evoke the emotions we want to feel. Studies show music stimulates the section of the brain that produces dopamine, a hormone that affects our emotional behaviour and mood. 

“Music can act like a drug as it stimulates dopamine production by activating the reward system of the brain, which plays a key role in setting a good mood,” says Dr Anney Varghese, consultant psychiatrist and women’s health expert.  

Researchers have mapped 13 key emotions that are triggered when we listen to music, including amusement, beauty, relaxation, and feeling pumped up.  

Harvard and Stanford studies with brain scans show that music activates many different parts of the brain, depending on the genre. So, based on how you want to feel, your choice of music can help. 

“You know what music you like and there is nothing like being your own DJ dancing to your favourite party or Christmas tune to get you in the right mood,” says Dr Varghese.  

So, get your groove going and dance and sing along your favourite Christmas songs.  

2. Buddy up

For people who have social anxiety and feel nervous, tense or uncomfortable in social situations, invite a family or friend round to get party glam together. Check Christmas Make-Up: The Looks For Day & Night This Holiday Season 

Get your pre-party started and then go to the main event together.    

Buddy up. If you’re anxious or need support, take a friend or colleague along. Create new memories, these will get you through the sad and hard times. Celebrate the close of another year which has been very challenging for many,” Dr Varghese says.  

Positive and upbeat company can also eliminate feelings of sluggishness and laziness. The right person can lift your mood and get you in the party spirit. 

3. Pick your party scent

Fragrances have a magical ability to alter our emotions and moods. Like music, scent can trigger emotions. That’s why we recommend using aromatherapy and essential oils to uplift your Christmas mood 

Anne Murray, registered aromatherapist and holistic therapist with over 25 years of experience, says: “With just the simple action of inhaling an essential oil, we can truly change our mood within moments.”  

Murray suggests using energising blends such as oils containing lemon. Lemon is a crisp citrus aroma which uplifts, energises, improves cognitive function, reduces the stress hormone cortisol and brings a more positive mood. This is such a quick and effective way to change your mood if you’re feeling tense or sluggish.”  

Eau Dynamisante

Beauty Daily swears by the spicy and zesty Eau Dynamistante, £39. This universally loved scent has lemon, patchouli, petitgrain, and white tea to uplift your senses, plus ginseng to boost your energy. When spritzed onto the skin, it also helps with toning and hydration.  

Studies show that certain holidays, including Christmas, can evoke an array of scent memories, which can bring joy, optimism and social connectedness: think of the smell of fresh pine, cinnamon, freshly baked gingerbread or chocolate chip cookies.  

“Some scents have a calming effect on mood whereas some can have an energising effect, so choose what you need,” says Dr Varghese.  

4. Reprogram your mind

Dr Varghese suggests trying the Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) technique to reprogram your mind and influence your Christmas mood.  

Experts say NLP is an effective way of changing someone’s thoughts and behaviours to help achieve desired outcomes. It uses perceptual, behavioural, and communication techniques to make it easier for people to change their thoughts and actions. 

“This can be an instant way to create how you want to feel before a party. It could be wearing your favourite glam red lipstick or a piece of jewellery (for me, it is my favourite gold earrings) that will put you in the right mood to party,” Dr Varghese advises.  

5. Live in the moment


Be in the present and leave your worries behind for a few hours. Eat, drink, dance and make meaningful connections and conversations with people you love.  

Dr Varghese adds: “Be grateful and thankful the days of COVID lockdown are becoming a distant memory now and put self-care first. In the run-up to the holiday season remember to move your body, sleep well, stay hydrated and take care of your skin.”  

6. Learn to say no

Lastly, don’t feel obligated to attend all the parties your invited to. Learn to say no.  Saying ‘yes’ when you should say ‘no’ can leave you feeling resentful and overwhelmed. Family and friends will understand if you can’t participate in all the planned festive gatherings. Organise your calendar by deciding exactly what you want to do around the holidays. If you don’t feel up to it, don’t feel pressured to celebrating with others.  

Read next: The Christmas Self-Care Tips Mental Health Experts Use 

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