Everything You’ve Ever Wanted To Know About Your Skin Explained
Everything You’ve Ever Wanted To Know About Your Skin Explained

Everything You’ve Ever Wanted To Know About Your Skin Explained

5 minutes read

Don’t underestimate the importance of your skin — it is the biggest organ of your body that helps with protection, thermal regulation and provides the sense of touch. 

How your skin works to protect you 

Your skin is the largest organ of your body, and it has a lot of functions. For example, it reflects your health, body condition and age. The clever way your skin works is pretty immense, and even though only a few millimetres thick — we often overlook its productiveness.   

  • First, your skin provides a physical barrier between your body and the outside world, rains, cold, sun rays, infections, any toxic substances. And all this while staying relatively thin, smooth, and flexible. 
  • Your skin is a thermal regulator of your body. When it gets too hot, you sweat, and it has mechanisms to stop you from getting too cold. In addition, your skin provides a sensational reflex when you feel pain, itching or pressure, so you can react very fast and avoid any danger. 
  • If your skin gets injured, it increases the blood supply and protects the wound from infections to heal faster. 
  • The fat layer of skin defends muscles and bones from harmful impact. That’s why it is so important to take care of your skin as it protects your body.  


What your skin is made out of? 

The skin’s medium weight is about four kilos, and its covering is about two square meters. But what it is actually made of? There is approximately 1.5 trillion skin cells per medium-sized person.  

  • The skin contains a protein keratin layer with a strong defensive mechanism. 
  • Also, it has a medium layer that provides collagen and elastin. It’s a home for nerve endings, hair follicles, and glands that produce oils and sebum. 
  • Your skin is a storage facility for fats, energy and nutrients. The fatty layer helps to connect skin to bones and muscles and also protect them. 

Read next: 8 Skincare Myths To Avoid, According To Experts 

3 Main layers of skin:

What are the three layers of skin and their functions? Matthew Hoffman, MD explains layers of skin in order of superficial to deepest. They are the epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis.  


What is the epidermis layer of skin? 

The epidermis is the top layer of your skin that you can touch and see. It contains 15 to 30 layers of cells with keratin inside, all stuck together. 

  • The epidermis is creating new skin constantly. While reading this, your epidermis produces new cells, so about 40 thousand old skin cells are replaced with new ones every day.  
  • It also protects your skin from sunlight, bad weather conditions, germs, and bacteria. That’s a strong barrier for our body from damage and infections.   
  • The epidermis includes the cells connected with the immune system. Without them, your body could not fight infections or germs. 
  • Your skin colour depends on how much melanin you have in the epidermis. The darker your skin is, the more melanin you have.  


What is the dermis layer of skin? 

The dermis is an essential middle layer of skin.  

  • First, the dermis contains elastin and collagen. These are proteins that help your skin stay smooth and tight. This layer acknowledges temperatures, physical impact and is where follicles settle and new hair grows. It also produces sweat helps your skin regulate by releasing sweat through the pores.  
  • The last but not the least function of the dermis is supplying blood vessels with nutrients, which helps your skin look fresh and have a healthy blush. 


What is the hypodermis or subcutis layer of skin? 

The bottom fatty skin layer is called hypodermis or subcutis. 

  • It connects muscles and bones with other layers of skin and protects from injuries. 
  • The hypodermis layer prevents your body from getting too hot or cold. 
  • Blood vessels and nerve endings from the dermis layer connect with the whole body through the hypodermis layer. 


…But there are actually 7 layers of skin: layers of skin in order

Dr. Jasmine Shaikh, MD explains the layers: 

  1. Stratum corneum is the part of the epidermis, and it’s a defensive top layer made up of keratin. 
  2. Stratum lucidum is a thin layer that presents only on thick skin of palms and soles. 
  3. Stratum granulosum is a glycolipids layer that helps skin cells stick to each other. 
  4. Stratum spinosum contains prickle dendritic cells which defend skin. 
  5. Stratum basale is the last and the deepest layer of epidermis where you find keratin, vitamin D and melanin production. 
  6. Dermis is a middle skin layer.  
  7. Hypodermis or subcutis is a bottom fatty skin layer. 


How to nurture every layer of skin 

Now you know about how many layers of skin we have. You should also know that sophisticated beauty formulas can care for the multiple layers of skin, and not only just the epidermis or dermis layer.   

For example, if you want to impact the deepest layers of your skin, then pay attention to serums. These are the most highly concentrated and enriched with active ingredients products – plus, their molecules are smaller, so they can reach parts of the skin that cream just can’t. The Clarins bestseller Double Serum is one of the most potent complete age control concentrates. This product contains plant-based extracts, scientifically proven to make skin radiant, look lifted and smooth.  

Hydra-Essentiel Bi-phase Serum impacts deep layers of skin, too. It helps to boost the skin’s natural water retention system to provide hyaluronic acid production, which means a lot of hydration, refined texture, and radiant complexion for your skin. 

Masks are also formulated for active impact on deep skin layers. To see this effect, try an Extra-Firming Mask for achieving visibly youthful-looking skin. Its anti-ageing formula helps relax and smooth facial features, firm up skin and give radiance. 

Extra-Firming Mask

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